“Homo Contribuens (Koken suru Kimochi)” is Cited in “Management by Contribution Power (Koken Ryoku no Keiei)” Written by Toru Yamashita
2011年5月20日 Others
The original Japanese edition of “Homo contribuens (Koken suru Kimochi)” is cited in “Management by Contribution Power (Koken Ryoku no Keiei)” written by Toru Yamashita.
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (22nd)
2011年2月7日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “On the Research of Mind of Contribution, Its Direction and Present Work Plan” with a lecture by Dr. Hisataka Kato, President of this institute and Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, on 6 February 2011.
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (21st)
2010年11月1日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “Robotology – Based on the Three Modes of Existence of Value in Vijnapti-Matrata” with a lecture by Dr. Masahiro Mori, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology, on 31 October 2010.
Issued Two Papers in Seisan Kenkyu, a journal
2010年9月22日 Others
The following two papers were issued in Seisan Kenkyu, a journal in Japanese published by Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. 1. Shinji NAKAOKA, Hisao TAKI and Kazuyuki Aihara: “Mathematical modeling study on immune system,” Seisan Kenkyu, Vol. 62, p.235-240 (2010) [Abstract] In this review paper, we introduce recent progress in theoretical immunology, …
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (20th)
2010年7月19日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “Science & Civilization and Mind of Contribution – Conciousness, Emotion and Brain & Mind” with a lecture by Dr. Takako Tanigawa, Professor of University of Tsukuba, on 18 July 2010.
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (19th)
2010年4月19日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “Mind: Philosophical Consideration Based on Buddhism” with a lecture by Dr. Makio Takemura, President of Toyo University, on 18 April 2010.
Held a Celebration of Publication of Chinese Edition of “Homo Contribuens” (奉献心 ― 人之本能) at Beijing, China
2010年3月31日 Others
We held a celebration of publication of Chinese edition of “Homo contribuens” (奉献心 ― 人之本能) written by Hisao Taki in Beijing, China on 27-March-10, proposed by the following representatives; *A-Z Hiroko Taki, Director and Director-General of Japan Pair GO Association Hisatake Kato, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University Junichi Sato, President of International Research Center of Meta-technology Kazuyuki …
Hisao Taki Gave a Lecture at Tsinghua University
2009年11月12日 Lecture & Seminar
Hisao Taki, Chairman of this institute, gave a lecture on the theme “The Urge to Contribute is a Human Instinct”, for about 100 students at The Research Center for Japanese Studies, Tsinghua University, which is one of the top universities in China, on 10-November-09.
Chinese Edition of “Homo Contribuens” Published
2009年10月31日 Publication
The Chinese edition of “Homo Contribuens (Koken suru Kimochi)” written by Hisao Taki, Chairman of this institute, has been published with the title of “奉献心―人之本能” by Central Compilation & Translation Press in China.
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (18th)
2009年10月26日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “Immunity and Mind” with a lecture by Dr. Tsuneya Ohno, Professor Emeritus of The Jikei University School of Medicine, on 25 October 2009.