Based on the concept that "the urge to contribute is a human instinct", to seek human ways of living and how they can be put into practice.


Yearly Archives: 2010

Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (21st)

We held a colloquium on the theme “Robotology – Based on the Three Modes of Existence of Value in Vijnapti-Matrata” with a lecture by Dr. Masahiro Mori, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology, on 31 October 2010.

Issued Two Papers in Seisan Kenkyu, a journal

The following two papers were issued in Seisan Kenkyu, a journal in Japanese published by Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. 1. Shinji NAKAOKA, Hisao TAKI and Kazuyuki Aihara: “Mathematical modeling study on immune system,” Seisan Kenkyu, Vol. 62, p.235-240 (2010) [Abstract] In this review paper, we introduce recent progress in theoretical immunology, …

Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (20th)

We held a colloquium on the theme “Science & Civilization and Mind of Contribution – Conciousness, Emotion and Brain & Mind” with a lecture by Dr. Takako Tanigawa, Professor of University of Tsukuba, on 18 July 2010.

Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (19th)

We held a colloquium on the theme “Mind: Philosophical Consideration Based on Buddhism” with a lecture by Dr. Makio Takemura, President of Toyo University, on 18 April 2010.

Held a Celebration of Publication of Chinese Edition of “Homo Contribuens” (奉献心 ― 人之本能) at Beijing, China

We held a celebration of publication of Chinese edition of “Homo contribuens” (奉献心 ― 人之本能) written by Hisao Taki in Beijing, China on 27-March-10, proposed by the following representatives; *A-Z Hiroko Taki, Director and Director-General of Japan Pair GO Association Hisatake Kato, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University Junichi Sato, President of International Research Center of Meta-technology Kazuyuki …

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