Yearly Archives: 2009
Hisao Taki Gave a Lecture at Tsinghua University
2009年11月12日 Lecture & Seminar
Hisao Taki, Chairman of this institute, gave a lecture on the theme “The Urge to Contribute is a Human Instinct”, for about 100 students at The Research Center for Japanese Studies, Tsinghua University, which is one of the top universities in China, on 10-November-09.
Chinese Edition of “Homo Contribuens” Published
2009年10月31日 Publication
The Chinese edition of “Homo Contribuens (Koken suru Kimochi)” written by Hisao Taki, Chairman of this institute, has been published with the title of “奉献心―人之本能” by Central Compilation & Translation Press in China.
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (18th)
2009年10月26日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “Immunity and Mind” with a lecture by Dr. Tsuneya Ohno, Professor Emeritus of The Jikei University School of Medicine, on 25 October 2009.
Incorporated Homo Contribuens Research and Development Institute
2009年8月5日 Others
We incorporated Homo Contribuens Research and Development Institute on 5 Aug 2009.
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (17th)
2009年6月15日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “Consideration of Brain and Mind Based on Mathematical” with a lecture by Dr. Kazuyuki Aihara, Professor of Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, on 14 June 2009.
Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (16th)
2009年3月16日 Colloquium
We held a colloquium on the theme “The Mechanism of Producing of Thinking, Action and Contributing Mind in Human Brain” with a lecture by Dr. Nariyuki Hayashi, Professor of Advanced Research Institute for the Science and Humanities, Nihon University, on 15 March 2009.