Based on the concept that "the urge to contribute is a human instinct", to seek human ways of living and how they can be put into practice.


Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (35th)

We held a colloquium on the theme “Japanese in Crisis” with a lecture by Dr. Tetsuo Yamaori, Professor Emeritus and Former President of International Research Center for Japanese Studies, on 13 November 2016.

Hisao Taki Gave a Lecture at Japan Future Leaders School

Hisao Taki, Chairman of this institute, gave a lecture on the theme “Let’s make what you have to do what you want to do!” for about 170 high school students who come from all over the country at Japan Future Leaders School on 26 July 2016.

Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (34th)

We held a colloquium on the theme “How We, Japanese, should Associate with China” with a lecture by Mr. Yuji Miyamoto, Former Ambassador to China; Representative to Miyamoto Asia Research Institute, on 19 June 2016.

“Virtue Ethics: Basic Readings” Has Been Appraised in the journal Misuzu

“Virtue Ethics: Basic Readings” published the other day was appraised as one of the most impressive five books in 2015 by Keiichi Noe, Philosopher, Professor Emeritus of Tohoku University, in the journal Misuzu, January and February 2016 edition.

Held Homo Contribuens Colloquium (33rd)

We held a colloquium on the theme “Upcoming Hydrogen Society – Technology Revolution and Globalism” with a lecture by Dr. Ken Okazaki, Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology, on 15 November 2015.

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